Update provided by Rachel Connelly on Sec 94(4) reports.


A1 upgrade:  

At last, one safety issue has been put right on the local access road, but overall, this upgrade has been a very poor deal for Non-Motorised-Users (NMUs) with few of the provisions promised at Public Inquiry actually achieved.  There are other issues still outstanding.   Recently National Highways (previously Highways England) withdrew from six suggested improvements to make a degree of amends for their admitted shortcomings, and NYC allowed them to do so. The delegated stakeholder representing the user-groups was excluded from these negotiations.


The Bedale by-pass:

It is now 10 years since the by-pass was made, but the NMUparallel bridleway track on the eastern section has still not been ratified by NYC but is with their legal department, so it is understood.



The dualling scheme was approved and adopted by the Department for Transport and it was assumed work would start shortly.  However, there has been an objection (not sure from what body and what about as the time for objection was surely during the public hearings) which will now set things back.  If there is further news before the meeting this will be provided.


(as at 30 April 2024)